Productivity and Technology

Time Management Strategy for Students: Take Control of Your Schedule

Time Management Strategy for Students: Take Control of Your Schedule

Ah, the student life! It is indeed an electrifying ride, with lectures, assignments, extracurricular activities, and—let’s not forget—those precious moments of socializing. But, with all these things going on, the most elusive thing seems to be time. Time slips by and slips away at just the time when you really need it. So don’t worry! …

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Best YouTube Channels for Learning New Skills: Unlocking Your Potential One Video at a Time

Best YouTube Channels for Learning New Skills: Unlocking Your Potential One Video at a Time

In a world where information is literally at our fingertips, it has come to be something way beyond entertaining. It has become an ocean of knowledge that allows you to learn virtually anything you want-whether it’s mastering that new language, picking up coding, or perfecting your cooking. With that many educational channels at your fingertips, …

Best YouTube Channels for Learning New Skills: Unlocking Your Potential One Video at a Time Read More »

10 Must-Have Android Apps for Supercharging Your Productivity

10 Must-Have Android Apps for Supercharging Your Productivity 

Stay on top of things-including appointments and task listings-from your Android phone. It’s never easy to stay on top of things these days, but happily, your Android phone can be your productivity lifesaver if you just have the right apps. Want to keep track of time differently, focus better, or streamline processes? The right app …

10 Must-Have Android Apps for Supercharging Your Productivity  Read More »

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