Speed up your APIs: how proxies work in Node Fetch 

Do you often get stuck on API calls due to rate limits, restrictions by region or slow response times? As a developer, you know the feeling of frustration when trying to build light, high-performance applications. Proxies are where you come in – often overlooked yet incredibly powerful approaches in optimizing your API performance.

Now, in this article, we’ll take you through how you can supercharge your Node Fetch setup with proxies, whether you are dealing with web scraping, high-volume API requests, or just need help optimizing performance. That’s right – building a web scraper or handling heavy API calls means understanding the very last thing about what happens behind the scenes of your API calls.

What Exactly Is a Proxy and Why Do You Care?

Just imagine this: you are sitting in a café, browsing the internet, but instead of going to the site directly, your request passes through a middleman-a proxy server. It fetches the information on behalf of you and delivers that back to you. When using Node Fetch in web development, sending that API request from your proxy with a different IP address (or several) before it hits that target API basically means you’re using a proxy.

Why on earth would you want this?

Bypass Rate Limits: Many APIs limit the number of requests you can send within a certain period. Multiple IP addresses will rotate round for you to get out of such rate limits by using proxies

Access Restricted Content: Some APIs or websites don’t access based on geographical location. You can just use IPs from other countries and get past them using proxies.

Enhance Privacy and Security: All your requests are routed through proxies, masking your IP address, and provide an extra layer of anonymity.

By the time you complete this chapter, you will understand how proxies may improve your API’s performance and how to take advantage of them using Node Fetch.

How do proxies in Node Fetch improve API performance?

You are building an app that needs to make requests to the API of another service, which charges for connecting, with a very serious rate limit. You run some initial tests and hours go by before you hit the API’s request cap. Now you’re left to wait until hours have passed again to make another call. Ring a bell?

This is where proxies come to the rescue. If you are making multiple requests in different proxies, then each request has a different IP address that the API treats as different users. Which means you can evade the rate limits and keep the app running, without any interruptions.

Also, helps in:

Decrease Latency: some proxies are faster than others so that choosing the right one could decrease the response time.

Avoid Getting Blocked: One IP can very easily get flagged or blocked when making high-frequency API requests. You can spread these requests across multiple IPs with proxies to avoid this issue .

You give your app the capacity to handle more, faster, and fewer chances of getting blocked with Node Fetch, integrated with proxies.

How Do I Set Up Proxies with Node Fetch?

The good news is that this configuration in Node Fetch is very straightforward. So, to get started, install the following couple of dependencies: node-fetch and https-proxy-agent. Here is how to step-by-step get up running.

Step 1: Install the Required Packages

First off, let’s install Node Fetch and the proxy agent by running the following command:


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npm install node-fetch https-proxy-agent

These two packages are required to make HTTP requests and forward them through a proxy server.

Step 2: Configure the Proxy on Your Fetch Requests

Once you install the packages, setting up the proxy is just a few lines of code. Let’s see an example.


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const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

const HttpsProxyAgent = require(‘https-proxy-agent’);

// Define the URL of the proxy server

const proxy = ‘http://your-proxy-server.com:8080’;

// Create a proxy agent

const agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(proxy);

// Use the proxy to make a request

fetch(‘https://api.example.com/data’, { agent })

.then(response => response.json())

.then(data => console.log(data))

.catch(error => console.error(‘Error:’, error));

Here you’re passing in an HttpsProxyAgent into the fetch function. This allows you to make a request through your proxy server. This is what will actually allow the request to pass through the proxy you specified.

Can You Use More Than One Proxy with Node Fetch?

Oh, yeah! If you’re against a problem of rate limits or should cover more significant requests volume by rotating between proxies, then using several proxies looks like a rather brilliant idea. The principle is quite simple: you don’t overload one IP and, accordingly, have less chances to get blocked.

Here is an example of proxy rotation in Node Fetch:


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const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

const HttpsProxyAgent = require(‘https-proxy-agent’); 

// List of proxy servers

const proxies = [





// Function to get a random proxy

function getRandomProxy() {

return proxies[Math.floor(Math.random() * proxies.length)];


// Fetch data with a randomly chosen proxy

async function fetchDataWithProxy() {

const proxy = getRandomProxy();

const agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(proxy);

try {

const response = await fetch(‘https://api.example.com/data’, { agent });

const data = await response.json();


} catch (error) {

console.error(‘Error:’, error);




Every time a request is made, it picks a proxy from a list. This technique helps to cycle through proxies that helps you avoid rate limits and reduces the probabilities of being blocked.

Best Practices when Using Proxies with Node Fetch

Of course, proxies can be great to boost your performance in an API. To fully take advantage of the prosthetic benefits, you need to comply with a few best practices. Here are a few tips that should help ensure you are using your proxies correctly:

1. Select Trustworthy Proxy Providers

Not all proxies are created equal. While free proxies are tempting, they often come with quite a few downsides, such as slow speeds, downtime, and security issues. If your application depends heavily on reliable API calls, you might want to consider using paid proxy services for better performance and security.

2. Implement Retry Logic

Sometimes a network issue or server go down happens that provokes proxy failure. Then put retry logic in your code so that it will not crash. For example:


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async function fetchWithRetry(url, agent, retries = 3) {

for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {

try {

const response = await fetch(url, { agent });

return await response.json();

} catch (error) {

console.log(`Attempt ${i + 1} failed: ${error.message}`);



throw new Error(‘All retries failed’);


This way, if the proxy fails, your application will try again, improving reliability.

3. Rotate Proxies for High-Volume Requests

But if your application makes many calls, rotating proxies becomes critical. We have demonstrated above how rotating proxies distribute the requests on different IPs so that the chances to be blocked by the API are much lower.

What To Expect with Proxies in Node Fetch

The introduction of proxies in the Node Fetch workflow brings excellent benefits that directly impact your API performance:

Avoid Rate Limit: Use multiple proxies to space out your requests to avoid getting blocked by API rate limits.

Access geo-blocked content: Proxy locations will help you appear from different locations, so you get to reach much more content that is locked due to geo-location

Lower chances of getting IP blocked: Single IPs often get barred or slowed down due to high-volume requests. Proxies prevent this.

Improve Data Collection : Proxies make sure that when you create scrapers or aggregators, your application continues fetching data without an interruption.

Adding proxies to your Node Fetch setup can be considered more than a technical improvement; it’s a strategic element that brings performance, scalability, and reliability on API calls.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your API Performance

As you learned earlier, proxies are not just a hack for when you encounter some problem but a powerful tool that can greatly improve the way you would go about working with APIs. Using proxies with Node Fetch enables you to overcome rate limits, access restricted content, and scale requests without fear of blocks or slowdowns.

Whether you’re building a scraper, handling some high-volume requests, or just looking to optimize your API calls, integrating proxies is definitely going to be a game-changing skill for any developer.

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5 FAQs with Answers

1. What is a proxy, and why should I use it with Node Fetch?

A proxy acts as an intermediary for your server and the API you want to request. Using Node Fetch, a proxy helps avoid rate limits, unblocks geo-restricted content, and keeps your IP address masked for improved security.

2. How do I set up a proxy using Node Fetch?

Answer: Using the https-proxy-agent package in Node.js makes it a cinch to configure a proxy. You’ll install that alongside Node Fetch and then pass the proxy agent to your fetch function as a means of routing any API call through the proxy.

3. Can I employ several proxies with Node Fetch to circumvent rate limits?

Answer: You can indeed rotate proxies in Node Fetch so that all requests are distributed to a multiple IP and, hence, there would be a bypass of rate limits. That’s done through making a list of proxies and then randomly calling one per request.

4. What are some best practices for working with proxies with Node Fetch?

Best practices when using reliable proxy providers include retry logic if the request has failed and rotation proxies to avoid IP block or throttling if one’s making an excessive amount of API calls.

5. Are free proxies safe for use with Node Fetch when making API calls?

Answer: Free proxies work, but often associated with slower speeds, downtime, and security threats. Hence, payment-based proxies are recommended for any large applications or highly critical ones since they provide more dependability and better performance.

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