How to Set Up a Proxy Server with Node.js and Fetch

Setting up a proxy server with Node.js and Fetch can enhance your web development workflow, providing better control over network requests and improved security. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you have a reliable, efficient proxy server up and running in no time.


A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and the internet, forwarding client requests to the destination server and returning the server’s response to the client. The Fetch API, on the other hand, allows for easy handling of network requests within your Node.js application.


  1. Basic knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js: Understanding of these fundamentals is necessary to follow along with the guide.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

Copy code
mkdir node-proxy-server

cd node-proxy-server

Initialize a new Node.js project:
Copy code
npm init -y

Install the required packages:
Copy code
npm install express node-fetch

  • node-fetch: A lightweight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js, enabling you to make network requests.

Step 2: Creating the Proxy Server

Create a new file named server.js:
Copy code
touch server.js

Copy code
const express = require(‘express’);

const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’);

const app = express();

const PORT = 3000;


app.use(‘/proxy’, async (req, res) => {

    const targetUrl = req.body.url;

    if (!targetUrl) {

        return res.status(400).json({ error: ‘URL is required’ });


    try {

        const response = await fetch(targetUrl, {

            method: req.method,

            headers: req.headers,

            body: req.method === ‘GET’ ? null : JSON.stringify(req.body)


        const data = await response.json();


    } catch (error) {

        res.status(500).json({ error: ‘Error fetching data’ });



app.listen(PORT, () => {

    console.log(`Proxy server running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);


  1. It defines a /proxy endpoint that forwards requests to the target URL specified in the request body.

Step 3: Running the Proxy Server

Start the server
Copy code
node server.js


Setting up a proxy server with Node.js and Fetch is straightforward and can greatly enhance your development capabilities. By following this guide, you now have a functional proxy server that can handle network requests, providing an additional layer of control and security. Continue experimenting with different configurations and features to further optimize your proxy server for your specific needs.

For further Inquires  Contact Us

  1. What is a proxy server?
    • A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and the internet, forwarding client requests to the destination server and returning the server’s response to the client.
  2. Why use Node.js for a proxy server?
    • Node.js provides a lightweight, efficient, and scalable platform for building a proxy server, with robust support for handling network requests using packages like Express and node-fetch.
  3. What are the benefits of using a proxy server?
    • Proxy servers enhance security, improve network performance, and provide better control over client requests and responses.
  4. How does the Fetch API work in Node.js?
    • The Fetch API in Node.js, implemented through the node-fetch module, allows for easy handling of network requests, similar to how fetch works in the browser.
  5. Can I customize the proxy server further?
    • Yes, you can add more features such as logging, caching, and request/response manipulation to tailor the proxy server to your specific needs.

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